What is a collaborative site.
a Collabarative website is a website that is built upon a community of end users
What is community.
communities can be neighborhoods, churches, schools, classrooms, social friends and friends at work people that feel they have something in common, work together, have similar needs. a good example that i can relate to is classrooms study areas like a librarys. both of these i use weekly and as students we all have the same things in common. this is a great platform for discussion, thoughts and exchang of ideas with one another
a collabarative site aka a community site is the same thing as lets say a classroom. but the only difference is the platform its presented on. the actual learning environment as we know it such as a classroom is the four walls or the building we are studing in. as apose to the internet the, environment will be the web site. to take it futher the internet is also an environment of its own and also a community that house's millions off users that access it every day of the year. so in a way it not just a website that can be a community the internet as a whole is a community in its self.
Types of website genre's
Buying and selling.
These types of websites are built to help the retailers expand their sales and busness on line. by having this platform their users signing up are bound in a community
education is what makes the world evolv its the most valuable thing humans can value because it equals to knowlege that equals to power. it is even more important that this knowlege gets handed down the human race for every generation that is born.
Health and lifestyle
Health sites can range from cooking, eating well, general body health. Lifestyle can also range from what people do in their spare time like going on holiday. theirs so meny holidy snap shot sites where people take snaps of places they have been.
these sites are generally community based
Searchhing engine sites
Love and dating networking.
These are the sites where their are large amounts of people in one community. with this genre people are willing to get into the community because its known to network people together from different parts of the country and world.
What is this?
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